Category: Life
Science: Why charging phones overnight is a bad idea
I’ve wrote an article on why you shouldn’t leave your phones to charge overnight on Alvinology.
A Candid Look At My 10 Years Of Entrepreneurship Journey In 8 Minutes (Lessons included)
My earliest recollection of something resembling Entrepreneurship was when I was 15. I’ve picked up programming for about 2 years by then, and I have created a couple of random apps and tried to sell it online. One of the app was called Wicked’s Developers’ Suite and contains a html text editor, a search engine scraping…
An Inventor & A Magician
When I was 5, I wanted to be either an Inventor or a Magician when I grow up. I couldn’t decide which is more interesting of the two. An Inventor create new things; a Magician does the impossible and make people smile. Retrospectively, I now realize that I’ve been creating new things and making people smile for…
Featured in ST – Jobs that didn’t exist 15 years ago
I’ve been featured in ST today, page 2 & 3 of Life section. From an app to determine the time one’s bus will arrive to an immersive virtual reality app for a property firm – these are some of the products by home-grown digital marketing and mobile app development house Originally Us. It is among…
The Startup Ecstasy For Virgins
Working on a startup gives people a kind of high. A high that you would experience, only if you are a startup virgin. It starts with an idea. An idea you came up with that will allow you to change the world. No one else seems to have done it yet. The world is for…
This is my Singapore
The True Cost of Building Mobile Apps
Background A little introduction about myself: I’m a Programmer and the Account Manager at Originally US. We build iOS & Android mobile apps and help people fulfill their dreams. Building iOS and Android mobile apps seems to be all the rage now. Start-ups are building apps, SMEs are building them and even large MNCs are…
I Am Married
1st March 2015.
Top 6 Unexpected Perks When I Quit My Job To Be My Own Boss
Before you proceed…. Please know this. I was a blogger known for being a troll before NS unplugged me from the internet. I like to joke, I like to be sarcastic, and that’s the voice I was used to writing. I was a fan of Douglas Adam’s style too, and always tried to imitate his voice…
How I decide what I want to do after graduation
Upon graduation, I took a step back to ask myself what I really wanted. This is what I have decided: Freedom of time and financial freedom are most important to me. And I want that as soon as possible. Freedom of time is defined as being able to do what I want whenever I want.…