Category: IT

  • 8 Things To Look Out For When Engaging Vendors to Develop Your Android and iOS Mobile Apps

    When I founded my first startup 3 years ago and wanted to build a mobile app, I was confused by the huge difference in price quoted by various IT Vendors. With such a huge collection of well-designed apps in the marketplace, users are spoilt for choice. If your app quality is just a bit lower,…

  • The problems of being a small, disruptive startup

    People who dreams of disruptive technologies or processes and have the balls to execute them deserve to be successful right? Na, wait long long. Just look at Lytro. They specialize in what they call “Light Field Camera”, whatever that means. Their really cool technology allows photographers to just snap a photo first, and then choose…

  • Facebook Hack is official.

    [post_intro]Sorry to get your hopes up, but this post isn’t some breakthrough new way of hacking Facebook.[/post_intro] What this is about, is this: Today we’re releasing Hack, a programming language we developed for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. Hack reconciles the fast development cycle of PHP with the discipline provided by static typing, while…